Osiris Academy

Personality type team coaching

Coaching d’équipe avec les Types de personnalité

Why consider the Personality Type team coaching?

To strengthen CCTI®/TypeCoach personality types knowledge and leverage it at the service of team coaching.

To discover
the Intelligence of We® method.

To coach a team as one coaches a living person; on the long term for a truly
transformative result.



To whom is this training designed for?​

To all management and coaching professionals:



RH professionals






  • Previous certification in Typological indicators (i.e. CCTI®/TypeCoach)
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, or years of experience in Human Resources.
  • In some cases, a one on one interview.

Duration and terms of the training course

Formation Coaching d’équipe avec les Types de personnalité

The training sessions

 Session 2024​

​4, 5 and 6 December 2024 I 3 days I 22h30 in attendance at Courbevoie (92).

Sessions 2025 – TBA

2 490,00€ Before Tax (private et corporate) + 20% VAT .

  • Includes pedagogical support
  • Excludes transport, accommodation and food.



Le déroulement de la formation

What our certified say about us

A deep dive into the subconscious and the conscious which can only make us better for ourselves and others around us. By observing and doing during these three days, I enjoyed interacting with others, as I was conscious of our complementary natures”

Julien Migeon

Human Resources, SERVIER corporate partner​

“Excellent refresh of personality types! A very inspiring reading of the teams through this lense. A very hands-on course, with an efficiency that you can instantly feel.
One more string to our bow as team coaches, a very strong and powerful one, to the
image of every single one of OSIRIS’ teachings.


Anne Jeanjean

Professional Coach, AJC HR​

Contact us

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+33 1 64 23 03 07