Osiris Business

Leadership Journey

Leadership Journey

The Osiris Leadership Journey’s objective is to train leaders that are key to the organisation; top executives that can “be one’s own leader at the service of collective challenges”.


Osiris Business
Déroulement parcours leadership


The Osiris Leadership Journey’s objective is to train leaders that are essential to the organisation; top executives that are flag bearers of the organisation’s purpose, its culture, its corporate ambition and its necessary transformations.

This program is aimed at all organisations’ key executives that feel the need to go from manager to leader by increasing in lucidity, autonomy and responsibility.

It is composed of collective coaching sessions, executive coaching sessions and inspiring conferences.

Examples of themes touched on in our Leadership Journey

How to Act instead of Enduring or how to be in charge of one’s own performance and that of one’s teams?

How to become a creator of value by reconciling and not opposing the apparent contradictions that society itself has to manage?

Being a maker of "and"; determining the conditions that allow us to be:

  • Demanding AND benevolent

  • Disciplined AND entrepreneurial

  • Global AND Local​
  • Short term AND long term

  • Prioritize AND apprehend complexity…



This process is driven by the CEO and the executive committee. They must embrace  an ambition, a meaningful project for the collective distilled from a purpose and a corporate vision.

Following this comes the “setting in motion” of the leaders: being the actors of the desired change, while embodying the key behaviours and being accountable for the performance.

The journey articulates itself around collective sessions, inter-session group work and the presentation of inspiring keynote speakers. The process can also include individual coaching.

Déroulement du parcours leadership

Our clients feed back

«To know oneself better, to know one’s peers better, to know our preferences better, to discover our hidden resources have all been keys to the betterment of our leadership and our capacity to act rather than endure.»


Hervé Gentieu

Global HR Director Market Development Organizations (Sales/Mktg/RID) and Support Functions, Group BEL

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